June 12th: Food and Mood

Mood-related conditions are becoming increasingly common in society. Behavioural disorders, anxiety, depression, ability to concentrate and aggression can all be linked to the foods we eat. Come along and learn from Chelsey Costa the best way to nourish yours or your children’s brain to prevent mood disorders, enhance wellbeing, promote academic performance at school/university and mental performance at work.

This workshop is for students of any age, parents of toddlers, children or teenagers or for anyone suffering from a mood-related condition who wants to learn how to use food as medicine to better manage your mental health at all stages of life.

Presenter: Chelsey Costa
Date: Wednesday, June 12th
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Perth Health & Fertility, 1 Oban Road, City Beach
Tickets: $10 via Eventbrite (click here)

Seats are limited so click here to book your tickets, or call us on 9285 0998 for more info.

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